Sunday, March 23, 2008

Work to do - Routines Established

Dear friends and family,

It is hard to believe that we have been here for almost two months already. Our daily routines are now established and it only seems to get busier as we go along.

The boys continue in the DTS program. They have classes in the morning, work ( base maintenance in the afternoon) and ( dance, drama or discipleship at night. It leaves little time for us but we managed to find a SUBWAY Sandwich shop and enjoyed a good lunch this past Saturday.

Life and food here is not bad, it is just different than what we are accostumed so it is a bit of an adjustment. Now that Bruce left, We do don´´t have a driver and I have to walk to the store. The nice thing here is that they do deliver the groceries to your house.

I work at the project house on Mondays through Thursday. My most intense day is Tuesday where I teach in the morning and evening and go to the community to visit the preach the gospel, pray and encourage the mother and children to embrace Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Thank God for Monday night intercession. Fridays I am usually off in the afternoons and ready for the weekend to arrive.

The houses in the favela are very humble. In some, you can see the consequences of sin and its devastating mark. We bring the hope of Jesus. I am really learning that is the Spirit of God that does the work as we make ourselves available to Him and now our words or gifts. Their hope is in HIM. In other homes , we go to love the children and share the love of Jesus.

We also participate in a circle of Life evangelistic program being opened by an American right in front of the Base. Yesterday they had some guys tearing phonebooks, bending iron rods and talking about Jesus. The funny thing is that the guy that preached last night, I met in Kansas City at IHOP. I think I told you about a Danish guy who speaks Portuguese that I met in Kansas City. He has an awesome testimony.

Bruce, by the grace of God and His provision, is in South Africa and in Mozambique at Iris Ministries. On the second week after we arrived, he was invited to go with a team there. He is preaching in North Mozambique now. I don´t think he will after be same.

Though very tiring, this has been an exciting time for our family. The boys found a couple of friends that live in town and manage to escape the race for a few hours a week.

I am planning to see my grandfather next week. He is about one hour away and he is going to be 92 years old.

Thank you so much for your love and prayer during this time. You are a great bunch of friends.

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